lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

The House of Judgement (Oscar Wilde)

The House of Judgement (Oscar Wilde)

Oscar Wilde story

Hi folks, here I bring a very good story, I hope you read (there is no more than 5 minutes) I hope you enjoy ...

And silence reigned in the House of Judgement, and the Man came naked before God.
And God opened the Book of Life of Man.

And God said to Man:

"Your life has been bad and you've shown cruel to those who needed help, and those who lacked support has been cruel and hard hearted. The poor called you and you do not hear and you closed your ears to the cry of the afflicted man. Take possession, for your personal benefit from the inheritance of the fatherless and threw the foxes into the vineyard of your neighbor's field. You took the children's bread and gave it to feed the dogs, and my lepers who lived in the swamps and I sang together, those persecuted by the roads, and on my land, this land that formed thee, discharges innocent blood.

And the man answered and said:

"Yes, I did.

And again God opened the Book of Life of Man.

And God said to Man:

"Your life has been bad and have hidden the beauty that I showed, and the good that I forgot I hid it. The walls of your rooms were painted with images, and you rise from your bed abomination to the sound of flutes. Erected seven altars to the sins that I suffered, and eat what you should not eat, and the purple of thy garments embroidered with the infamous three signs. Your idols were of gold or silver enduring, but perishable flesh. Their hair bathed in perfume and put them grenades in their hands. Anointed his feet with saffron and tapestries displayed before them. Antimony were painting their eyelids and their bodies anointed with myrrh. I prostrate to the ground before them, and the thrones of your heroes have risen to the sun. You've shown the sun thy shame and the moon your dementia.

And Man replied, and said:

"Yes, I did too.

And for the third time God opened the Book of Life of Man.

And God said to Man:

"Your life has been bad and have paid the good with the bad, and the fake kindness. Have hurt the hands that fed you and you despise the breasts that nursed you. He who came to you with water went thirsty, and the men outside the law you hid at night in their stores before dawn betrayed. Ambush your enemy that you had forgiven, and the friend who walked in your company it was sold for money, and love that brought you in return you gave them lust.

And Man replied:

"Yes, I did too.

And God closed the Book of Life of Man and said:

"In truth, it should send you to hell. Yes, I send you to hell.

And the man shouted:

You can not.

And God said to Man:

- Why I can not send you to hell? Why?

"Because I've always lived in hell," replied the man.

And there was silence in the House of Judgement.

And after a moment. God spoke and told the Man.

"Since I can not send you to hell, I'll send you to Heaven. Yes, I will send you to heaven.

And the Man cried:

You can not.

And God said to Man:

- Why I can not send you to Heaven? Why?

"For ever and anywhere I could imagine Heaven," replied the man.

And there was silence in the House of Judgement.


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