etc. Act by failing to file upload downloads
Internet as we know it is about to change, it is important to spread this video q tweeter, facebook, and where they can.
The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) or anti-counterfeiting trade agreement is a proposal for a plurilateral trade agreement, according to its promoters, in response to "increasing counterfeit goods and pirated copyrighted works in the global marketplace." The ACT field is broad, including the counterfeiting of physical goods as well as the "Internet distribution and information technology"
In October 2007, the United States, the European Commission, Switzerland and Japan announced they would negotiate ACTA. In addition, the following countries have joined the negotiations: Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Morocco, Singapore, UAE, Canada. [2] ACTA negotiations are carried in secret. On May 22, 2008 a discussion paper on the agreement was filtered through WikiLeaks, which was followed by many news media
It was initially planned to conclude negotiations in late 2008, however in November 2008 the European Commission said that these would continue in 2009
In the next round of negotiations (the sixth) was hosted by South Korea in Seoul, from 4 to 6 November 2009. In the fifth round of negotiations in Morocco in July 2009, participants indicated that their intention was to conclude the agreement "as soon as possible in 2010." According to New Zealand, ACT would establish "a new international legal framework" and "the goal of ACT is to place a new, higher benchmark for the implementation of intellectual property rights that countries can join voluntarily."
Terms and similar terms actually appear in the draft treaty SECURE the World Customs Organization, [10] and critics have argued that estimates of tax evasion of Title I of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act was likewise approved after political motives through treaties negotiated through the World Intellectual Property Organization.
In the video are a little more understandable explanation of what the ACT, to materialize the document on the Internet is going to lose privacy, freedom of expression, a community will be ILLEGAL, so travinga!, YouTube, Tweeter, and thousands of pages of entertainment and social networks can not work.
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Q is importantisimop spread this video to see and where they can. Thank you very much x everything.
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