lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

(the paralytic in the Simpsons) back to God challenges

(the paralytic in the Simpsons) back to God challenges


Hawking challenges back to God

In the new text, which was written with Leonard Mlodinov scientist, astrophysicist again challenges the theological positions

(A blasphemer in question).

Where it all originated from the inevitable consequence of the laws of physics and not of any higher mind or God, said the scientist Stephen Hawking in his latest and controversial book The great design.

In the new text, which was written with Leonard Mlodinov scientist, astrophysicist again challenges the theological positions.

"As a law like gravity, the universe could create itself, and in fact did," from nothing. The spontaneous creation is the reason there is something, that there is a universe, that we exist. For it is not necessary to invoke God, "said the scientist to the Spanish newspaper El Pais, which published the first chapter is about to go on sale.

Cambridge professor says that the universe is not only a story as possible. Faced with questions like where does it all? What is the reality? Hawking says that philosophy has strong dead because he "has not kept abreast of modern developments in science, particularly physics. Scientists have become the torchbearers of discovery in our quest for knowledge. The aim of this book is to provide the answers suggested by the findings and recent theoretical developments. "

Hawking proposed in response M-theory, that "there is a theory in the usual sense, but a whole family of different theories, each of which provides a good description of the observations but only in a certain domain of physical situations ".

In accordance with the precepts of this theory the universe is not unique, but there are millions of them. On entering the space-time theories.

"Each universe has many stories as possible and many states as possible in moments later, that is, in moments like this, long after its creation. Most of these states will be very different from the universe we observe and be inappropriate for the existence of any form of life. Only a few of them allow the existence of creatures like us.

So our presence in this vast select only those universes that are compatible with our existence. Although we are small and insignificant on a cosmic scale, they make us a sense lords of creation ", publishes the newspaper.

Towards the end of the book Hawking and Mlodinov recognize that the laws of nature tell us how the universe behaves but does not answer the questions of why to avoid the risk of the idea of God.

Our responses are due or are limited by our brain power. "Just as in our universe, the game of life really depends on the model we use," they conclude.


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