lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011




Formal Appearance

In a report distinguishes the following parts, referred to in the order listed:

- Cover.

- Cover.

- Index.

- Introduction.

- Main body.

- Conclusions.

- Bibliography.

1 .- COVER:

- Work must be submitted in a folder, or using two cards: one as a cover and another as a back cover.

- This external material, and protect the work, you must have some reference to the content, but not necessarily

to be written, can be a drawing or collage, or any other creative idea.

- Use your imagination to do something artistic and attractive, since the cover is like the clothing of your work.

2 .- COVER:

Must contain these five aspects:

- Name of the College and course Subsector.

- The title, which should give a clear indication of the subject with the fewest possible words.

- The name of the Teacher.

- The name of the student or team that performed the work.

- The place and date of manufacture (no day, month and year only).


- A listing of the contents of the work. Is sequential and indicate the pages to guide the reader.

- Must appear after the cover and not the end of the report, as is sometimes done in other documents.

- The index recorded the chapters and sections of the work.

- It's the best expression of the structure of a report.


- The introduction is the "gateway" of your work. A good introduction serves as an introduction for the reader to get an overview of the writing.

- Your mission is to report in a few words, the content of the investigation.

- Therefore, it should be written last, once you know what the content of the main body of the report.

- Its importance lies in the fact that through it the reader gets an impression not only of matter and objectives of the report, but also the relevance and interest it has.


- All development should follow a plan previously outlined.

- This plan will help to establish the logical sequence of paragraphs and that the whole has coherence and harmony.

- It's the first part of the work should be completed, since the other parts (introduction, conclusion, Home) it logically depends.


The conclusion must be proportional to the extent of work and is directly related to the introduction. It considers:

- The main ideas that summarize what you found.

- You can also write a personal opinion about what they learned.

- Achievements, goals achieved, difficulties overcome or not, wholly or partially from the initial idea.

- Thanks for the opportunity to learn with this job.


- All research must indicate the sources of your information.

- The list of all encyclopedias, magazines, books, newspapers, websites, etc. consulted during the investigation.

- There must be numbered and arranged alphabetically.


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